What Is CBT In BDSM? Cock and Ball Torture 101

I can see men grabbing their crotches and saying “NO WAY IN HELL!” Understandable… Family jewels and all. There are other kinks that are off-limits for some in the BDSM community, and then there is that rare group that finds erotic pleasure in those less-favorable acts. Cock and ball torture is favored in the masochist/sadist side of BDSM. So, let’s get the ball rollin’, if you know what I mean…

What is Cock and Ball Torture (CBT)?

A simple definition:

Cock and ball torture (CBT) is a sexual practice in which the penis and testicles are pleasured through pain or discomfort. This is common during BDSM play between a dominating female and a submissive guy. The scrotum and penis are vulnerable to any type of manipulation because they are packed tightly with nerve endings.

cock and ball torture

Psychologically speaking, CBT is not considered a dysfunction or any kind of neurological disorder. In simpler terms, you are not crazy or mentally ill if you find pleasure in cock and ball torture. Are you balls enough to get a tight grasp on cock and ball torture?

Cock And Ball Torture Terms You Should Know

CBT is full of different techniques; some are physically performed by a dom or alone, and some acts of play include mechanics/toys. The more advanced techniques of cock and ball torture, envolve needles, clamps, and electric shock. 

When starting cock and ball torture play, start with an instrument like a pencil. Using progressively harder tapping. 

Cock Cages 

Like a jail cell for the shaft. A chastity belt that can be locked or tied closed. Start with a breathable cage and durable material. 

Parachute – Ball Stretchers

This is a fancy name for giving your balls some gains. Ball stretchers weigh 1-3 lb and are hung by chain or rope to a device attached to the scrotum.


This is the ultimate, most extreme punishment to any man. Usually used as a threat during CBT play, emasculation involves castrating both the cock and balls. 

How Popular is CBT Fetish? 

Cock and ball torture, with its pleasurable pain, can be a massive feeling of power and masculinity for a man. The popularity of CBT resides in the FemDom side of BDSM fetishes. There is a vast community in favor of cock and ball torture. For example, FetLife, a BDSM Lifestyle platform, has over 16 thousand members. The CBT group has its own members that you can interact with and share experiences. 

Reasons to Try CBT

If you’re curious about cock and ball torture as a male, let me persuade you to indulge in this play. If you are worried about how your BDSM partner may react. Personally, if a man was on the hunt for a badass woman to kick him in the balls for pleasure, HA, you don’t have to ask me twice. 

Restricting blood flow to the genitals increases sensitivity, resulting in a tantalizing experience. The opposite, increasing blood flow to the genitals, enlarges the area and also results in, you guessed it, a tantalizing experience. 

Just as much as I beg to be choked, slapped, and gagged, some men beg for CBT. There is an intense feeling of euphoria in this altered state of conscience with any orgasmic genital torture. The whole experience is worth getting pumped up about. 

Parts of The Cock And Balls That You Can Torture

Shaft/Cock – when flaccid, the shaft has less blood flow and can handle a good beating. While flaccid, play around with different pressures and pinches. Once the shaft is erect, blood flows and continues to circulate through the whole shaft and head. This intensifies the sensitivity, resulting in a larger, more engorged shaft. 

Foreskin – the naturally sensitive skin that covers the head of the cock. This is the layer of skin that is removed during circumcision, although the frenulum is still in tact. Use the foreskin to stretch and squeeze to better test pain tolerance.

Head – this is the nice little mushroom top on your favorite shaft. Once erect, the head is highly sensitive as the layer of skin is extremely thin. Think eyelid thin. 

Urethral opening – I guess we could call this the male clit, since most of the time that is where they are rubbing, thinking they hit the spot. So , the urethral opening is where our piss comes out. This particular area needs to be sterile, including the objects you insert into the opening. If his masterful shaft has a Prince Albert piercing, watch out for tongue rings and your tonsils during oral play. 

Scrotum – The jewels. The anchor to the shaft. Many of the toys and torture involve the scrotum. 

How to Try CBT Safely?

Just like all other fetishes and kinks included in BDSM, there are extremes to CBT. Some of them are: saline injections to inflate the scrotum and using sharp objects to pierce the areas. If there is any feeling of discomfort from either the giver or receiver, take a break and discuss the situation. It’s OK; this is a fetish that takes determination, patience, and knowledge to fully master. 

cock and ball torture

*If you take anything out of this article, DO NOT CUT OFF CIRCULATION. Do you want to perform… ever… again? Pay attention to any feeling of numbness. Because, what’s the point if you have lost all feeling?

Toys – Devices – Machines

For beginners entering the chamber of CBT, if you have yet to experiment with a standard cock ring, you should reevaluate your intentions here. Start with lighter toys like a shaft choker or ball stretcher. When ready, advance onto leather and more sturdy materials. As you further yourself into this play, experiment with more complex tools as they are way more durable and actually safer. 

Alone or Assisted Torture?

CBT can be performed solo just like any fetish, but torture holds hands with humiliation. Unless you are live-streaming your session alone, the pleasure will be satisfying with your partner. Having an assistant during cock and ball torture, you are able to achieve that tantalizing orgasm once there is thorough communication and rules have been put in place. Your sadist/assistant can be demanded to enjoy the pulsating and engorged piece of art if you allow it. 

Symptoms to Watch Out For

I’ve heard several grown men complain to me about the pain of “blue balls”. I’m not going to minimize their control of pain, but, this feeling doesn’t come close to beginner-level CBT. Constricting the circulation (blood flow) to the genitals is the main focus of bringing strong sensitivity to the area. If you feel a loss of sensation or color or excruciating pain for longer than usual after a session, don’t ignore it. Well, that is, if you ever want to experience another torturous session. 

Expectations and After-Care

There is a level of trust when engaging in CBT that is truly mind-blowing. Once you have mastered your customized way of pleasure, your risks for severe injury are drastically lowered. **If you notice something doesn’t look or feel right after a session, DO NOT IGNORE IT! Don’t think you are going to be treated differently from someone with a broken arm, your doctor and everyone at the ER have seen it before. 

Final Thoughts

If you think you’ve got the balls to step into this tantalizing adventure, why not give it a try?


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