What Should Vagina Taste Like?

*Drum roll please…. A Vagina! That’s right, a vagina should, in fact, taste like a vagina. Just like an armpit tastes like an armpit, a nipple tastes like a nipple… What it’s not supposed to taste like is rose petals, fresh linen cotton, or any other Bath and Body Works scent. Each of our vaginas are unique and can have a variety of tastes. But, if you are here because you are suspicious that you might be mixing up a different brew down there than normal… this is everything you need to read. 

In this post we will explore what should vagina taste like, what an “off” taste might mean, and how to maintain good vaginal hygiene. We will also discuss when it’s necessary to see a doctor and answer some frequently asked questions about our vagina’s taste.

What Does A Healthy Vagina Taste Like?

A healthy vagina can have a range of tastes, including a metallic or penny-like flavor, salty, or a bit sour. The taste can even vary throughout the month due to the menstrual cycle. The discharge from your vagina is also a great way to check up on the health of your vagina. It’s important to note that a vagina should not taste like a rose bush or seafood. We have a naturally acidic pH level in our vagina. With the mighty help of lactobacilli bacteria (literally millions of these bacteria) working hard to keep our vaginas taste and smell healthy!

Due to its acidity, the taste of your vagina can be slightly sour, tangy, or fermented, which has been compared to the flavor of yogurt, sourdough bread, or beer. And because of the acidity of the vagina or the presence of trace amounts of menstrual blood, the vulva may have a metallic or coppery taste. Sweat can collect in the creases and nooks of the vulva, giving it a salty aftertaste if you do not shower regularly.

What does an “off” taste mean?

An “off” taste in the vagina might indicate an imbalance in the vaginal pH, which can lead to infections like bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, or a yeast infection. These infections can attack your vagina’s healthy bacteria, Lactobacillus. If you or your partner are noticing a metallic taste or smell, this is normal a few days pre and post menstruation, and of course, during. Also, being a smoker and/or heavy drinker will have an effect on the taste and smell of the vagina. Alcohol and nicotine are excreted through sweat and bodily fluids like saliva and the vagina.

A few distinct smells and what they could mean:

Fishy: You most likely have BV (bacterial vaginosis). This is usually accompanied by irritation, vaginal fluid, or discharge, that is more gray or green in color, and redness. This can be treated by naturally letting your vagina clean itself while making sure to wash the outer part of your vagina (the vulva) with mild soap and a soft washcloth. 

Ammonia: This is a sure sign that you are dehydrated.

Musky: Just some natural oils from your sweat glands and body odor that is pungent in your vaginal fluid

Can I Actually Change the Taste of My Vagina?

You can, but your body naturally alters the taste, smell, and overall health of your vagina. Actually, every woman has her own specific flavor that can also change pretty frequently. There are several factors that can’t be controlled (like hormones, menstruation, and aging), and a few reasons that you can control (diet, hygiene, and environment). However, it’s important to remember that a healthy vagina will not taste like candy, sweet fruit, or flowers, which brings us to something very important. 

Quit using the douche!! There are a multitude of studies on the dangers of douching. From completely throwing your natural pH levels out of whack and causing yeast infections, to making whatever situation you are trying to get rid of way worse and more harmful than it was to begin with.

How to Make Your Vagina Taste Good

Once again, a good-tasting vagina is meant to have a slight flavor that is usually a mixture of natural body odor, sweat, and oils from your skin. If you personally think that your vaginal health is A-Grade and there isn’t a smell or taste that seems ‘off’ to you… but a partner has a complaint, you deserve better, and they need to learn a thing or three. Not sorry.

Recipe for a Delicious Vagina

  1. Wash your vagina daily, but only clean the outside (the vulva) with warm water and a soft washcloth. There is no need to grab the expensive ‘feminine wash. A mild, unscented body wash works wonders. 
  2. Take a break from certain foods, like garlic, onions, asparagus, and spicy foods. More for taste than smell, being dehydrated will make the toxins down there less concentrated, resulting in a more potent taste. There is still no proof, but also nothing wrong with adding more sweet fruit to your diet like pineapple juice. 
  3. If smell and taste are common red flag occurrences, try wearing loose-fitting pants for a few days. Switch out those sexy lace panties for still-sexy cotton ones. 
  4. For the love of your vagina, please go to the bathroom after sex. You can guarantee yourself a nice yeast infection or some urinary tract infections; do you know why? Men and their fluids have a natural basic vaginal pH level. More importantly, the germs and bacteria that are shared during sex, even oral sex, may not cause irritation to your anus and skin, but they will definitely make your urinary tract pissed off. Peeing within 30 minutes after sex will flush out any bacteria making its way to your bladder.  
  5. Did you know that grooming yourself (shaving off the carpet and going to hardwood floors) can be a good reason why you are noticing a funky smell? Your pubic hair has a very important job in keeping your lady bits free of harmful bacteria. Think of them as your eyelashes. We have them to keep dust and other little particles out of our eyes. It is funny that it is always an eyelash that seems to get in our eyes, though… But in the same way, our pubic hair functions like eyelashes for our vagina.

Products and Supplements

There have been studies and numerous trials on different vaginal suppository products. Out of the 22 products tested, there were great outcomes but very short-term. Remember that when your vagina tastes “off” it is a sign of decreased lactobacillus which is the healthy bacteria our vagina needs in order to keep out the bad bacteria. Most vaginal products and supplements are filled with other good bacteria like  lactobacillus rhamnosus and lactobacillus reuteri. Numerous doctors and microbiologists state that these are not harmful at all but are also not very beneficial in treating vaginal infections.

When to See Your Doctor

There are a few obvious signs that should not be ignored.

  • Having a funky smell and/or taste for more than a few days.
  • A sudden change in taste or smell. This also pertains to women who have had previous bacterial infection or urinary tract infection and notice a change in discharge or symptoms. 
  • New sexual partner. Any irritation should be addressed since this is more than likely an STI. Oftentimes your new sex partner may not show signs or symptoms of this STI, so don’t point fingers until you chat with your gyno.


Q: Why does my vagina taste sour?

A: A sour taste in the vagina might be due to excess secretion from your sweat glands or trace amounts of urine, which can both taste sour and a bit salty. Although this sour vagina smell and taste isn’t necessarily a sign of anything wrong, it’s important to see a doctor if it’s present along with other symptoms.

Q: How do I stop tasting sour?

A: Maintaining good vaginal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle can help keep your vagina’s taste in check. Washing the vulva daily with warm water, using vaginal pH-balanced feminine washes, and avoiding douching can all contribute to a more pleasant taste.

Final Thoughts

Our womanly taste and smell are natural when the vagina is healthy. Staying active, eating foods that do not have a pungent taste or smell, practicing proper hygiene, ditching tight pants, and partaking in clean and safe vaginal and oral sex are the golden rules for how your vagina tastes and smells. If you are wondering, ‘What should my vagina taste like?’ you shouldn’t be alarmed or try to ‘fix’ the imbalance yourself, especially with feminine washes.


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