How do I know if I’m tight or loose?

You may wonder, how do I know if I’m tight or loose?

There are several myths and misunderstandings concerning the vagina. Some people assume that as time passes, vaginas grow less elastic and stay loose. However, this is not the case.

Your penises are adaptable. As a result, it may extend to accommodate items coming in or out (such as a penis, sex object, or baby). However, your vagina will quickly revert to its original condition.

Although your vagina may become less constricted as you age or have children, the muscles still flex like an accordion or rubber band.

About Vagina

Your vagina is a narrow, muscle-lined canal that is essential to your reproductive system. The word “vaginas” refers to all of the female reproductive organs (AFAB). However, when it comes to your sexual health, the vagina is merely one of the most important organs.

The state of a woman’s genitalia has a significant impact on her overall health. Problems with the uterus may affect fertility, sexual desire, and orgasmic capability. Unresolved vaginal health concerns may cause stress, harm relationships, and make you feel self-conscious. Learn about the signs of vaginal problems and what you can do to protect your vaginal health.

The vagina, often known as the vulva, is an important part of your external genitalia. You can only have sexual pleasure because of your vulva. It also performs an important function in your reproductive system, allowing you to get pregnant and give birth.

What Makes The Vagina Loose

The only things that can change your vagina’s flexibility are age and having a kid. Your vagina will not lose its stretch no matter how often or seldom you have intercourse.

Giving birth and growing older may cause your vaginal laxity over time. Women who have had more than one vaginal delivery are more likely to have weaker vaginal muscles. Even if you’ve never had children, your vagina might expand a bit as you grow older.

Giving Birth

It is common for your vagina to change after giving birth vaginally. After all, your vaginal muscle must extend in order for your baby to pass through the birth canal and exit via your vagina.

After your kid is delivered, you may notice that you have more vaginal looseness than normal. That makes complete sense. A few days after giving birth, your vagina should begin to return to its natural shape, although it may not be totally normal.

Your weak pelvic floor muscles are more likely to be less flexible if you’ve had more than one kid. If this bothers you, there are exercises you may perform before, during, and after pregnancy to strengthen the muscles on the uterine floor.


When you reach your forties, your vagina may lose some of its suppleness. The quantity of estrogen in your body will begin to decrease as you approach menopause.

If you cease producing estrogen, your vaginal tissue will do the following:

  • Thinner
  • Drier
  • less acidic
  • Flexible

These changes may become more noticeable as you approach menopause.

Some Signs That Your Vagina May Be Loose

how do i know if i'm tight or loose

Urinary Infection

Most women who lose vaginal tightness also have stress incontinence or pee leakage. This humiliating ailment occurs when the pelvic floor muscle that supports the bladder and regulates the amount of pee that flows out of it becomes weak. Low estrogen levels might cause your pelvic floor muscles to weaken as you age or after menopause. These muscles might become weak when you give birth, injure your urethra, or undergo pelvic surgery.

Urinary incontinence differs from ordinary incontinence in that you leak pee when you do activities that impose strain on your bladder, such as lifting heavy objects, laughing, or sneezing. Because giving birth is the primary cause of a weak pelvic floor, stress incontinence is more likely to occur during pregnancy. Other factors that might aggravate symptoms and raise the likelihood of stress incontinence include:

  • Being overweight.
  • Having diabetes and passing too much pee.
  • Coughing excessively.
  • Having a urinary tract infection.

Difficulty In Achieving An Orgasm

Having difficulty achieving an orgasm might indicate that you are not in a good place. An orgasm, also known as a climax, is the culmination of a sexual response cycle. It generally occurs when a person is sexually excited intensely. It normally requires a lengthy stimulation period, particularly when you are just beginning to learn about it. Most individuals find orgasms gratifying, and their pelvic muscles clench as a result.

Failure to achieve orgasm should not be a concern, particularly because most women can experience many orgasms. The advantages of a tighter vag for both you and your lover are noteworthy. If your vag is tighter, you will have no problem obtaining orgasms. You will experience more than one earth-shaking climax. Furthermore, you would be able to detect and halt an orgasm as soon as it begins.

Having Difficulty Gripping Your Index Finger

Simply insert your fingertip inside your vagina and tighten your labia around it. Then insert your index and middle fingers to see how tight it is with just one finger. You probably have a loose vagina if you can place your ring, middle, and index fingers together and not feel anything.

There are methods to tighten it up again, which is great news. Do nothing till your genitalia are free. You will see a significant improvement in a few weeks if you act now. If you employ vaginal tightening procedures, you should be back to normal in a few months. It does, however, need some effort. You can’t expect to improve if you simply practice one or two daily workouts.

You will have to work hard if you want to tighten your vagina and restore it to its former glory. The essential thing is to be optimistic. You do not need to consider surgery to tighten the muscles around your vagina. There are other options available to you.

Smaller Objects Insensitivity 

You’re probably stretched when nothing that goes into your vagina makes you feel good, and you have trouble getting aroused. Most individuals are unaware that bringing in a larger thing to feel more stimulated would not fix their difficulties. Larger items will provide certain advantages, the most notable of which is increased sexual pleasure, but they will exacerbate the issue in the long term. There are several methods for strengthening the muscles on your pelvic floor.

The most typical way is to do vaginal exercises, which may assist you in becoming tighter. You must insert an exercise into your vaginal hole and tense the muscles surrounding it. Obviously, if you want to have a happy life, you must be pleased with yourself. Nobody in their right mind would want to hang around with someone who despises themselves.

What To Do To Keep It Tight?


Pilates is one of the only total-body exercises that may help tighten and strengthen pelvic floor muscles. To do this, make use of your core muscles, especially your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, as much as possible while completing each motion.

Pilates is an excellent practice for organically strengthening your pelvic floor, but the classes may be costly. Suppose you don’t practice the exercises with an instructor who emphasizes pelvic floor exercises and advises you on how to focus on the pelvic floor. In that case, it may not supply you with enough strength to make your vagina “tighter.”


Kegel exercise may help with a range of vaginal and pelvic floor concerns, including how to naturally “tighten” your vagina. They are also completely free. Consider how Cardi B sings, “I do a kegel while it’s inside,” a movement included in a song about how great vaginas are, in W.A.P.

Kegels are exercises that involve isometrically tightening the pelvic floor muscles. In addition, they treat and prevent vaginal dryness, prolapse, sexual dysfunction, and incontinence.

Unfortunately, to keep your pelvic floor muscles strong, you must use Kegels at least three times per day, every day, for 100 minutes every week. Furthermore, multiple studies have revealed that the majority of women are unable to follow instructions in order to do activities successfully.

The Buff Muffs Challenge

The Vagina Coach, one of our favorite genitalia experts, is in charge of this 28-day challenge. She developed a mobile app challenge to motivate women to exercise more effectively and adopt a regular pelvic floor training routine.

This challenge allows women to build their pelvic floor muscles at their own speed.


Using a Kegelbell is one of the easiest and safest ways to naturally “tighten” your vagina. Kegelbells are the first weights that women may use to strengthen and tighten their pelvic floor muscles.

Women use the Kegelbell in muscle-building mode at home three times a week for five minutes. While it is in maintenance mode, they use it once a week. As you tighten the insert, your vaginal squeeze leads to a tight vagina, similar to how your biceps strengthen after using a kettlebell for the workout.

Not only is the Original Kit the first externally weighted treatment, but it is also the heaviest vaginal weight kit available. Adding the Extension Kit raises the weight by a factor of two. The Kegelbell insert is around the size of a large tampon and is made of medical-grade materials. It is easy to use.

Is My Vagina Too Tight?

The cervix of a woman is generally never too tight for sexual engagement. The discomfort or pain is an indication that something is wrong. The vagina is 3 to 4 inches long when unstimulated and may not generate enough lubrication to make a sexual session comfortable.

A woman’s vagina, on the other hand, enlarges and lengthens when she gets excited and secretes lubrication. A woman may get rid of pain, discomfort, or the sense of being too tight by boosting her arousal level before penetration and, if necessary, using a lubricant.

Final Thought

Even though some things can temporarily make the vagina lose its elasticity or swell up, it heals and goes back to its normal tightness. Many women feel tightness in their vaginal area because they aren’t sexually aroused enough or because their hormones change after giving birth, breastfeeding, or going through menopause.

Another myth on how I know if I’m tight or loose is that vaginal tightness never goes away for good. Even though the vagina will get bigger during sex and childbirth, it will always go back to how it was before. However, when a woman gives birth, it may take longer for the vagina to heal and return to its normal elasticity.


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